bleak045 – Ilegalne Emocije – Ilegalne Emocije

Artist: Ilegalne Emocije
Title: Ilegalne Emocije
1. Ilegalne Emocije – full album (mp3) (zip)
2. 01. Das Ist Schlimmer Als Schmerz (mp3)
3. 02. The Only Thing (mp3)
4. 03. Into Freak (mp3)
5. 04. My True Feelings (mp3)
6. 05. Schizo (mp3)
7. 06. Always On Decay (mp3)
8. 07. Civiluk (mp3)
9. 08. Suberklaber (mp3)
10. 09. Lola (mp3)
11. 10. Summer Breeze (mp3)
12. 11. Tell Me Your Dreams (mp3)
13. 12. Giburn Majne Hant (mp3)
14. 13. Hell On XTC (mp3)
15. 14. No Exception (mp3)
16. 15. We Will Punk You (mp3)

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Artist: Ilegalne Emocije
Title:Ilegalne Emocije
Media: audio
release status: available

Tamara Dinka and Nikola aka Nitkov are two quite controversial individuals, who combine the non compatible components from their own fields of imagination in a domain of music, painting and comics.
Attracted by mutual ideas and fascination obtained from the different genres in music, they’ve met and formed the band with the silly name Ilegalne Emocije (“Illegal Emotions”) – they began to record in 2004.

At first as an answer on of that time popular Electroclash music, not with the aim to caricature it, but with the truly devotion in accomplishing ideas in electronic, punk and pop music. Their music is pretty raw and analogue, connected with all mentioned genres, but again-by its subject and form very different.

The lyrics are outermost philosophically naïve, frank, aroused under the influences of underground culture. On their concerts you can meet not only fans and friends, but very variable population, from punks and clubbers, to freaks and diplomats.

They have been performing live from their early beginnings on, and they’ve been playing in clubs such as “Akademija”, “Kocka”, “Povetarac”, “Underworld”, “Parafin” , “Kulturni Centar GRAD”, “Flexipop dva”, “Žica” in Belgrade, “Mocvara” in Zagreb, Museum Of Contemporary And Applied Arts “MAK” in Vienna, Wiener Festwochen Festival and “Fluc”, “Feedback” in Niš, “Baš ku?a” in Subotica and also on the Exit festival in Novi Sad, Elektrana stage (2006, 2007).

It is good to mention their split release with Margita Je Mrtva, “Six Sexy Songs”, in 2005., for the independent label Cold Trinity, collaboration with electrohardcore band Apparatchik, and also with electronic duo from Belgrade “G+Shame” (for the song “Midnight Express”), couple of compilations and music for the trash horror film “Klabirint”, directed by Alexandar Maricic.

After 7 years, the band members extended their activities in two ways. Tamara is immersed as DJ DNKA in vienesse night life, while Nitkov has just released his first solo electropunk album “Ako ne prekineš, rizikuješ da ti se pridružim”, and continues to work on his main “industrial pop” project Alone, and spoken word project Magma Trakt.

And, who knows what will happen next.

This is the reissue of their debut album from 2010, and we are very happy to have it out on Bleak.